Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let's play a love game.

I was singing "I Wanna" when my sister called out:
'' Yo sis who d'you wanna touch ? ''
" I wanna touch you! Can I ? "
" No! I don't wanna let you touch me! "
" Why not? Oh, I know. You probably just wanna let your Fungi Fung touch you. "
" Oh puhh-leease sis! Since when did you and mom were on the same channel ?! "
" We always are together. You're too busy texting your hubby and that's why you didn't realize.
" Grrr... He's SO not my hubby! And stop saying that 'hubby'. It makes me wanna puke!"
" Ahaha! Oh really? Aite I'll stop then.. "
" Good! "
" Hahahahahahaha.... Owhh.. hubbiee ~ ~ "
" .......... "

And that's my sis.
Notty as she is.
At the mild age of 14, enjoying her young teenage life.
I always make fun of her. I'm merry to see her angry face.
Which is very evil of me..
The more angry she gets, the more delighted I am.
By then I'll crack up and LMFAO.

I felt terrible every time after I laughed at her.
I felt like I insulted her.
I pretended like a spoilt child, trying to act cute and apologize to her.
Then we both laughed and she eventually forgives me.
I feel good having a sibling.

Meanwhile, my sister asked me:
" Sis, which song do you think nicer? Goodbye or Evacuate The Dancefloor? "
" Hmm... That's a tough question. But ooh I just lurrve Evacuate The Dancefloor!!! "
" Hey me too! "
" Yeah but why d'you ask ? "
" Nah.. Just to seek opinion. "
" Is that so ? ''
" Yeah. What could it be then ?? ''
" I may answer your question just now, but if you were to ask me choose between Kitty Purry and Ladiee GaGah, I couldnt! "
" But I could! I love K.P. What's that song again ? "
" Shut up and put your money where your mouth is..... "
" Hahahaha !! "

This post is mainly about conversations between me and Angel, and music as well.
My sis asked me to list out songs I've been listening recently.
Hope she'll be happy cause I follow what she insisted.

I gotta feeling
Evacuate the dancefloor
Love drunk
I wanna
Falling for you
Taking back my love
Be on you
Knock you down
How you love me now
Paranoid ( both Kanye West's & Jonas Bro's )
New Divide
Fly on the wall
I'd come for you
Please Don't Leave Me
Best I ever had
Mama Do
Deraming of the time
Good girls go bad
She wolf

and the list goes on...
Hope you're contented, sis!

love ya!


Blisters !!

Trust me.
I don't mean to be so aggressive to post stuff so aggressive when I'm indeed aggressive.
The previous post is about what I've encountered in the morning which I was like shouting??
And now I'm shouting again.
YES I wanna shout OUT LOUD cause I feel like I'm so unfortunate and unlucky lately!
I got blisters on my lips!!
** OUCH **
It was when I felt swollen on my lips and it was painful when I lick it.
I dash to the mirror and realize blisters on my upper lips.
Oh, dear, blisters are no fun.
I've found myself with two small ones.
Blisters are different with ulcers.
It contains liquid under the epidermal which appeared in bumps.
I poked it.
I pinched it.
The bumps instantly turned into holes.
Will it eventually form a scar on my lips?!
It can't happen!
NO it can't!

I need help.
I need to heal it before it causes more pain to me.
This is so sad..
I'm so depress!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What noise is that ?!

While I was enjoying my slumber, drowning myself into sweet dreams, cuddling in my queen size comfort bed, I nearly have this heart attack that shocked me up!

I heard a MASSIVE sound it sounded as if the roof had fallen!
** B A N G G G **
The sound made me jump out of my bed and look outside the window to see what's going on.
By the time I catch a glimpse outside, I found the answer to my curiosity.
My neighbor's having a renovation.
Their roof's under construction, so it made sense to me right now.
I turned to my alarm clock and realized that it was SO effin early in the morning!!
8.30 a.m.
I should be sleeping at this hour!
I tried to go back to sleep and cover my ears with pillows.
Somehow, it doesn't save me from those sound pollution.
I put out a shout hysterically loud before I march out of my bedroom.... MADLY.
The sound's driving me mad!
I couldn't bear with it that I decided to just hid in my mom's bedroom all day!
Well unless when I'm hungry, I'll have to hurrily run to the kitchen and grab food, then I took two steps at a time to reach mommy's bedroom again.

Oh hells..
I was told that the renovation thinggy may last at least 2 days!
You know what that means?
I will not have a good night's sleep!
Really nerve-racking..
I mean, I'm a night owl.
I sleep very late at night which means I WILL NOT wake up before 12 p.m. the next day!!!
I think that explains pretty much to my dark eye ring.

By the way,
I'm hungry again. As I did always..
I can eat a horse right now!
No more cackle.
My agenda is to hunt food this moment.
Till the next!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bonjour mes lecteurs chéris !

J'avais appris le français récemment.
Mon intérêt est venu dans un tel soudain que je ne pourrais pas aider mais pour apprendre immédiatement
Je sais que je peux sembler étrange dans le Français parlant, mais au moins j'ai fait une droite d'effort.
Essayez de ne pas rire de moi bien ??
Ayez un beau jour ~

Amour, AVRIL

Translation :

Hello my dear readers!

I've been learning French recently.

My interest came in such an abrupt that I couldn't help but to learn immediately.
I know I may sound weird in speaking French, but at least I made an effort.
Try not to laugh at me okay?
Have a nice day ~


Saturday, August 22, 2009

waka waka wakaa
eeee heheheeee

OMG I'm crazy!
Totally went off the hook!
I don't know why..
But if I don't tell, people might think I'm in my orgasm.
Today's Sunday!

I watched the movie "The Women" yesterday.
Not bad.
And when I mean not bad, I mean it!
Nice movie, great cast, inspiring movie!
It was a 2008 flick.
Mommy bought it quite a long time but I seem 'too busy' to even bother to take a glance.
Then out of my boredom, while arranging my stuffs I found that DVD.
Now if you had seen that movie in it's 1939's original one, there was ABSOLUTELY
NO MALE CAST in the movie.
ALL FEMALE CAST aged 6 to 80!!

Here's the trailer :

Okay honestly, this movie's gonna be on my favorite list!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Another semester ends.
Semester break starts... TODAY!
SPM Trial starts... TODAY!
(starts off with PSV)

So what kinda holiday does it gonna be ?
A holiday to stay at home studying?
For moments, yes.
Mostly? NO.

Anyhow, no doubt that study will occupy my one-week-break's schedule.
* sobs *
Well at least I still manage to catch some time relaxing. Hah!
I believe girls my age don't really take things serious.
They're like :" Woah! 2 more precious years, and my teenage chapter in my life will be over! "
Cause I have that thought as well.
I have to quote The Joker in this case.
Why so serious?

Oh and I found this video on youtube.
It made me crack up at the first line.
Then I couldn't help but laugh my heart out while listening.
It's a definite O-M-G-it's-ridiculously-FUNNY video.
Here I present you..

When you wash your body, wash your hands too!!

Toodles ~


Monday, August 17, 2009

I almost lost
ALL of my html codes while trying to change my theme.
Technically no, but yes I've lost my link list so I gave up changing.
I was lucky cause I've backed up my codes.
But I want those pretty themes!!
I actually succeeded in changing it but I don't think it's worth it if I were to lose my widgets just to get a fabulous theme.

And if you notice, there was a slight change in my Blogini's list.
Minor but perceptible change.
Well just leave me a message in my chatbox and let me know if your name's not in my list.
Or you can choose to follow me if you want.

Btw, I'm having a flu.
The mucus drives me mad.
Couldn't get my hands off the tissues.
Again, I used up tissue papers.
More than the previous I think.
I can't breathe well. It's like every week I'll caught this flu.
What the deuce!!

I'm not in the pink of health.
I got bruises all over from my arm to my hand and my knee!
Don't believe me ?
See for yourself :

Scary isn't it ?
Don't freak out!
Will you believe me if I say I fought with someone ?

Hope my ugly bruises recover quickly.
they're UGLY!!
yet terrible......



Saturday, August 15, 2009


c'mon tweets..
Why were you guys leaving ??
I haven't the remote idea WHY and I felt rather disturbed figuring out WHY.
what's wrong?
please don't leave okay ?


Thursday, August 13, 2009

You've been TAGGED!

1. 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。
2. 請老實的回答每一個問題。
3. 不行擅自塗改題目。
4. 點完後請通知那10位朋友他被點到了

以下这几位,抱歉啦,你…… 被点到了!

1. Jia Wenn
2. Wen Min
3. Stephanie
4. Sook Kuan
5. BuBu
6. Cole Yau
7. Kee Yoke
8. Jau Ni
9. Wai Kang
10. Caresse

~個 人 題 - 10 題~

01) 你叫什么:April
02) 你的綽號:beh heh
03) 你的血型:不懂
04) 你的星座:白羊座
05) 你是男還是女:女
06) 你幾歲:17岁
07) 你住哪裡:我家!
08) 你現在的學校 :SMJK YU HUA
09) 你有沒有手機 : 废话!我可是21世纪的潮人咧!
10) Contact list 有多少个人:305 人

~~朋 友 題 - 10 題~~

11) 你最要好的朋友(限1個): 我人缘太好,没办法说我跟谁最好 [自恋 XD]
12) 你最討厭的人(限1個): X

~~ 情 題 - 10 題~~

21) 你有沒有喜歡的人:没有
24) 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:没有
25) 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:秘密
26) 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友: 不愉快的没去记
27) 現在有另一半嗎: 没有
28) 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣:当她吃错药就好啦
29) 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : 很难说
30) 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: 我现在没有喜欢谁
31) 你和另一半牽手過嗎: 当然
32) 你和另一半抱或親過嗎: 谈恋爱不抱抱和亲亲算啥?
33) 你跟異性牽手過嗎: 有有
34) 是誰,你們什麼關係?:前男友,朋友,表弟,爸
35) 現在有人在追你嗎: LOL

~~混 合 題 - 10 題~~

36) 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:哭。
37) 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:err......
38) 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:忘了他/她
39) 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎:绝对不会![我父母受不了我才是]
40) 你上課認真嗎 :有时, 会。
41) 你功課好不好:有时,好。
42) 你开电腦都在幹麻: update我的twitter, 写 blog,玩 facebook 游戏,最后查 mail。
43) 你的即时通有多少个同性:emm..
44) 你的即時通裡有多少個異性: mmm....

~~ 兇 手 題 - 10 題~~

45) 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰: Melissa
46) 这個人對你好不好:她很亲切 ^^
47) 這個人是你的誰:朋友
48) 你有喜歡過這個人吗? :她是女生耶!
49) 你們認識多久了:大概3年了吧
50) 這個人是怎樣的人:很好的人。
51) 这个人正/帥嗎:漂亮!
52) 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过:没有
53) 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办:不太可能吧!我喜欢男生!男生!!

~~~ 聯 想 題 - 10 ~~~

56) 說到正妹你會想到誰:Anne Hathaway
57) 說到帥哥你會想到誰: Robert Pattinson
58) 說到憨你會想到誰:....
59) 說到痴你會想到誰:自己
60) 說到暗戀你會想到誰:(无)
61) 說到出去玩你會想到誰:Jessica, Victoria, Monica, WenN & Chien 等等
62) 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:我妈
63) 說到傻子你會想到誰:Victoria XD
64) 說到笑點低你會想到誰:没有耶
65) 說到愛笑你會想到誰: 我啊![我笑的时候蛮夸张的 xD]

~~~ 學 校 題 - 11 題~~

66) 你的班導是誰:Pn. Cheong Mei Ngai
67) 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:前面算起第三个 [位子不定。每个星期换一次]
68) 你最喜歡的老師是誰:林素庄老师!
70) 你的英文好嗎: 还好。
71) 你的體育好嗎: 不是很好 ~ 但我爱打高尔夫球!
72) 你的数学好么:还好而已
73) 你喜不喜歡你的校長:没感觉
74) 你的學校好看嗎: 厕所很丑 !!
75) 你的班級是:5G
76) 你的班級在幾樓:4楼

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the morning cat stretches.

I kinda used to describe myself as a cat sometimes.
Oh speaking about cat, an IQ question came across my mind :

What does a cat do on stage ?

I found this question while I was reading a magazine way back while I was still in my primary's.
I'm not sure if you guys had already guess it before, but its answer's quite a cold humor..
At least to me.
So, you guys figured out ?
Oh don't worry I'll tell you the answer at the end of my post.
Wanna keep you guys reading till the end.

Breakfast was really awesome today.
I had mooncakes and bird's nest for breakfast!
Nutritious and delicious.
How I wish I could have them both each morning.
Here's the photo >>>

As I was chewing the bird's nest, I thought how great it would be if I could taste a bit of the bird's nest whenever I felt I wanted to eat something sweet.
Hence I'll replace candies with it.
Yet, on the other side I felt terrible.
A sense of remorse overwhelmed me on how many swallow would lost its dwell, and resort in building another nest, and then taken by humans again and again.

I actually paused eating while starring at the food.
Then I put it in the fridge and let someone else finish it.
Guess what?
It was half the proportion left.
It happened to be Angel (my lil sistaa) mop away the last drop of the bird's nest.

The answer is for the IQ is..
Doing CATWALK !!

Anyone got it correct ??


Thursday, August 6, 2009

ew ew ewww

I've been blogging everyday haven't I ??

I don't know why but recently I've been so addicted to Sorority Life.
Trust me, I don't know why.
It's VERY fun!
This is a game designed perfectly for girls.
I love the glitz and glam of the lifestyle, the popularity, those designer outfits, pretty totes, sparkling accessories, edgy heels and of course, the fact that I'm the President of my house.
Oh not to forget that I can easily earn money by organizing events!
Plus my job as an art gallery intern, I get $10,000 cash for every 60 minutes!!
Okayy, now I know why I'm addicted.

Within these two days,
I've heard and saw people discuss and comment on gossips.

gossip gossip gossip gossip
gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip
gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip
Isn't that annoying?

We all hate to be gossiped.
We know that gossips won't do any good, yet, we all like to gossip.
Isn't this a funny world ?
Everyone say....
"Y E S !"

Time rushes on.
I've been sitting infront mf my computer since I came back from school.
Isn't that sick?
Totally uncrontrolable and unlimited.
I couldn't imagine what will mom does if she finds out.
Keep this secret for me okay?


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

stuck at home

It's all wet and dark today.
Looks like the Eye of Heaven doesn't wanna say 'hi' to us for today.
So he let the rain to say instead.

I didn't went to school today.
Was so tired and felt unusually dizzy.
I went back to bed after having my breakfast.

The weather was chilling.
I slept for another 2 hours before I wake up and find that Angel has already woke up, busy with her assignments.

She had a flu.
Mom decided to take her to the doctor but she refused.

I'm alone at home..
Angel went to school.
Nobody's around.
The house is so quiet.
I felt moody.
In the meantime I'm busy playing
Sorority Life @ facebook, hoping to increase my level as fast as I could.
Too bad my energy isn't enough to complete those social events.
aughh dammit.......
I uploaded my status @ twitter as well.

Nothing truly remarkable today.
Really nothing..